
Your premium private spa awaits you on the terrace of your Lodge…

Relax in water heated to 38°C year-round.

Ayurvedic relaxing massage

A relaxing, draining and revitalizing technique, Ayurvedic massage adapts to your constitution and will offer you a unique sensory journey.

Our professional masseuse offers you different services:

  • back massage (30 minutes):                  45 euros/person
  • half-leg and foot massage (30 minutes): 45 euros/person 
  • full massage (1 hour): 90 euros/person
  • full DUO massage (1 hour): 180 euros

Shiatsu Massage

Shiatsu is an ancient Japanese massage that provides physical and emotional relaxation, as well as improved energy circulation.

Based on the principles of traditional Chinese medicine, it is performed by applying pressure with the palms and thumbs on meridians and acupuncture points.

  • massage shiatsu : 90 min for 100 euros/person

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A: 21 Sunset Blwd, California
P: +12 345 678 90
App: ViberWhatsApp